'Rise For A New World' is a movement of purpose-led system shifters, disruptors and pioneers who see business as usual as unsustainable.  And are rising as the lightkeepers of a new future where we flourish together.

We believe that each one of us can evolve the world by being uniquely ourselves during this time of transition.  

That is why at the Purpose-Led School we provide you with the space, tools and community to create the future you want to see next - by remembering who you really are, doing what you are here to do and making that difference only you can make.

Will you join us?



Environmental Breakdown

Cost Of Living Crisis

Polarisation And Conflict


When we are being called to upgrade the operating system on the planet.  

It appears that we are at an unprecedented time in human history. We are being shaken to our core - confronted with how what we have been doing is not working.  

And we must decide: Do we keep going on the extinction march we are on?  Or do we pave the way to a new era of genuine flourishing - based on the long term well-being of people and planet?

This isn't some small tweak - where we can maintain the status quo and add a bit of innovation.  

We are all being tasked as leaders, teams and organisations to make a fundamental upgrade in ourselves - to enable the creation of a new reality, new economy and new system at depth, at speed and at scale.  

And ultimately to answer the call of our next level of potential, purpose and impact.  So that we become the system shifters, disruptors and pioneers we didn't know we could be.

Watch Louise Le Gat, Our Founder Talk About The Turning Point In Her Life When She Started Her Quest For Purpose.



For many leaders, this is triggering a pivotal moment of our own.

This is when you see the state of the world. And you feel increasingly uninspired in, out of synch with and unmotivated by the status quo. 

You are successful on the outside.  But something seems to be missing on the inside and you are not quite sure what.

You find yourself questioning what you are doing with your own life, your work and your leadership. But you don't know what you really want to do instead.

Deep down, you yearn to drive more profound change, be more fulfilled and have more of a positive impact.  But you have lost touch with who you actually are and what you are meant to be doing.  

Ultimately, this is your invitation to find your place in the bigger transition we are in. It is asking that you activate what is yours to do.  It is calling you to make your unique mark - as if it mattered.  Because it does.

That is because we each have a unique part to play at this time - as a brave builder of the new future we want to see next. 

Read Our Article on Navigating Career Pivotal Moments published in our favorite magazine - The Beautiful Truth.

Read Here

'Purpose Is Not A Destination.  It Is Your One Of A Kind Adventure.'

Twenty four years ago I experienced my own pivotal moment.  That is when I promised myself that I would live with no regrets and fully show up for my purpose on this planet.  

The way I express my purpose  has evolved over time.  But in essence it always comes down to three things:

- Catalysing people's purpose and uniqueness,

- Enabling meaningful work and positive impact and

- Guiding profound transformation and transitions.

In these pivotal times, I believe that as leaders we are being called to make a fundamental shift.  

To go from being performance-driven good soldiers of the old status quo to becoming purpose-led brave builders of the new future we want to see next - in service to the long term well-being of people and planet.  

And that our survival as a human race and the future of our children is at stake.

I am fully committed to playing my part in this transition.  And to supporting as many leaders as I can to do the same. 

If you are feeling increasingly a misfit in business as usual, then join us in the school - so that we can help you play your unique part in the transition. 

And if you are an organisation or team who wants to explore purpose in these pivotal times, meaningful work that is future fit and transformational leadership that delivers real change, then invite me to speak or to run a workshop for your people.

Louise Le Gat, Founder

Listen To Our Episode On The Purpose Activists Podcast On What It Means To Build A Purpose-Led Future Together.


Personal Alignment.  Future-Fit Work.  Next Generation Leadership.
We Guide Leaders, Teams And Organisations To Build The Future They Want To see Next - By Channelling Their Uniqueness Into Creating A Better World For Us All.   
'Louise positively inspires the leaders of tomorrow to show up and make
the difference in the world they were born to make.'
Start A New Conversation
Inspire Your People With A Keynote Or Masterclass On Rethinking Their Careers And Leadership For Positive Impact. 


For Forward-Thinking Organisations:

Invite Me To Speak 

Navigate Your Pivotal Moment
Chart Your Unique Course To Inner Fulfilment, Meaningful Work And Real Change At This Time Of Transition.


For Changemakers At A Crossroads:

Take The Journey With Us ➝ 

Elevate Your Leadership
Infuse Your People With The Clarity, Confidence And Communication To Bring Their Purpose To Work.    


For Purpose-Led Leaders:

Embed In Your Team ➝ 


We Are At The End Of One System. And At The Beginning Of A New Paradigm. Now Is The Time Of The In-Between. 
A Period Of Emergence.  A New Normal.  The Becoming Comfortable In The Uncertain, Unknown and Unstable.  
A Letting Go Of The Old.  A Conscious Choosing Of The New.  And From There Creating What Is To Come Next.
Watch The Shorts

The 'Be The Change' Generation of Leaders

Meaningful Work In The New Economy

The Rise Of The Purpose-Led Career

Read The Letters



We truly believe that we can do this.  That, if enough of us commit to being the brave builders of the new and take care of our own garden patch, we can create a new world - where we all flourish together deeply valuing people and planet.  

What it takes is for us to remember who we are here to be, do what we are here to do and make that difference only we can make. By investing in inner well-being, creating meaningful livelihoods and catalysing worthwhile evolution through our lives, work and leadership.

So join us by signing up below to Our Broadcasts From The New  to receive inspiration through our shorts, messages, letters, programmes and whatever else we feel called to create to support you.  Look forward to being on this adventure together!

Louise Le Gat, Founder Of A Purpose-Led World