'Louise positively inspires the leaders of tomorrow to show up and make the difference in the world they were born to make.'
The New Framework To Find Your True Place, Play Your Unique Part And Create The Future You Want To See Next At This Pivotal Time On The Planet
What do you really want now?
What are you meant to be doing at this time?
What is your next step?
At the Purpose-Led Company, we believe that being purpose-led means going beyond these static approaches. And that it is about learning to navigate these unprecedented times in a new way - by adopting an emergent approach.
The key is to understand that the answer you are looking for is not a perfect destination that is just waiting for you - especially in these times of transition. Instead you are called to craft your one of a kind adventure - by nurturing your potential in the right way, evolving into your purpose and crafting your next chapter of impact through an emergent and creative process.
Here are three ways we think about purpose differently:
Purpose As System Shifting: We believe that right now we are being called to a system shift. And that the way through is by creating together a well-being paradigm where we can genuinely flourish together on this planet. The challenge is that the new system does not exist yet and we have to build it whilst in the system chaos we are in - and that is manifesting as uncertainty, being in the unknown and things being increasingly unstable. So that means we are all called to be system shifters now in the midst of chaos.
Purpose As Unique Self-Expression: For that the traditional way of looking at purpose through simply a traditional career or an altruistic lens, where you sacrifice yourself to the cause, is not going to cut it. We need to unleash new levels of creative capacity within ourselves and each other. We do that by looking at purpose as being you channelling your unique creative self-expression towards advancing what you most care about in the transition we are in. In our world you have a unique contribution to make and a garden patch you are intrinsically designed to take care of.
Purpose As An Adventure: For us purpose is not a destination - that perfect job, that perfect NGO or that perfect business you set up. It is the one of a kind adventure of evolving the world by being your unique self. As such, it is an emergent, transformative and creative process. What you are here to do appears as you start relating to yourself, your work and your leadership in a new way.
- Finding your true place at this time,
- Playing your unique part in the transition and
- Creating the new future you want to see next.
Whatever is going on out there. Because let's be honest, you can't wait for it all to calm down before you get going.

Find Your True Place At This Time: Ignite Your Potential And Connect To Your Own Truth.
Become clear on what is true for you now by taking the time and space to connect to your own inner knowing.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, lost and disillusioned by what is going on, then it is time to stop and reflect on what it is you truly desire - within the current context.
It is easy to end up in a cycle of just reacting to what is happening around you - especially with everything going on in the world right now. And then ending up disconnected from yourself - not knowing what you really want anymore. Whether you have been in the world of for impact for a long time or are just starting out, it is important to orient yourself within the current reality - and see where you fit now.
The idea here is to offer tools and a safe online haven - where you can spend time getting back to yourself and to the whispers of your own potential. So that you can start to hear what it is you really want, get clear on what is true for you now and in effect switch on your own inner lighthouse - in the midst of the current storm.
If this is you, then get started in The Purpose-Led Retreat. It includes practices, visualisations and reflection prompts - based on the 4Rs of Retreat - Recenter, Reconnect, Reflect, Realign.

Play Your Unique Part in The Transition: Evolve Into Your Purpose And Walk Your Unique Path.
Inspire the unique transformation you are here to bring in line with the flow you are made for.
Let's be honest, bringing change at this time is not easy. So you want to be an agent of transition - a changemaker, a system shifter, or whatever your word is for it. But the reality of the day to day is that more often, you end up:
- Stuck in patterns of burn out,
- Spinning your wheels in imposter syndrome and
- Stalled by power struggles
Where you feel exhausted, not valued enough for what you can really bring and unable to make the real progress you want in the areas that you care most about.
So here we help you to chart your unique course to bringing real change where you also experience:
- Feeling fulfilled,
- Meaning in your work and
- Being authentic in your changemaking.
For that we use your unique flow as a tuning fork, map and navigation system. Flow is when you are the most connected to your real self - who you really are, what you are here to do and the difference you are here to make. And by using it as your guide, you can:
- Get into personal alignment to feel in synch with yourself
- Create a future-fit role where you can thrive
- Become an evolution partner who artfully leads transformation
If this resonates then get started in our signature programme The Purpose-Led School. It is a yearly membership based on the 12 Foundations of The Purpose-Led Method - where you learn to:
- Manage Your Unique Energy
- Add Your Unique Value and
- Engage In Your Unique Ideas
It includes online modules, live masterclasses and Q&As. You also have access to The Purpose-Led Retreat.
Investment: CHF1,250 + VAT

Create The Future You Want To See Next: Craft Your Next Level Of Impact And Write Your Next Chapter
Bring to life the next stage of your vision by up-levelling yourself, your work and your leadership.
If you have this sense that you are meant to be creating something more but you are not sure what. Then it could be that you have plateaued and you are being called to your next level of your impact.
Your impact gets built in stages and in yearly cycles. And if you ignore that, then you end up stuck, stalled and stopped. What you are called to here is to seed, plant and cultivate the next stage and manifestation of your impact. What that is, is a specific part of the new future you want to see.
The real issue is that we have to become the mapmakers who imagine the new maps of the future. It takes you having the courage to develop and bring your new ideas, concepts and thinking and moulding them so that they can shape your teams, organisations and the world around you - whilst still earning a living.
In that you have to lead the way into uncharted lands - with the necessary creativity, pivots and resilience it takes. And let's face it, it's lonely and often people don't get what you are trying to do. That is why we help you envision, build and deliver on the next level of:
- Your new personal positioning,
- Your new value proposition and
- Your new thought leadership.
That involves showing up for what you are being called to create next - even if it feels daunting. And to become the creator of tomorrow you were always meant to be. Juggling the three spaces:
- Taking care of yourself, your work and your life,
- Being a changemaker in your existing environment,
- Weaving together the next levels of your impact in the world.
If this resonates, then The Purpose-Led Circle is for you. Here we work in a group coaching format for a year together following our Creator Coaching Model. We support you both in terms of being a system shifter in your current environment and crafting your next stage of impact.
You will have two group calls a month (with a break at Christmas and in The Summer). How it works is that you complete a monthly form that we review, which draws out what you are needing coaching on. The calls then include a combination of Louise sharing specific insights, group coaching (hot seats with Louise) and/or masterminding (inviting ideas from others in the group) based on your needs. You also get access to The Purpose-Led Retreat And School during the time of the programme.
Investment: CHF2,500 + VAT
To discuss where you are at in terms of your roadmap and how we can help - get in touch at [email protected]
'I hired Louise to help develop our young and future leaders in resilience, emotional intelligence and leading change. She opens up so many new ways of thinking through her coaching and ability to integrate the head, heart and strong intuition.
My personal experience has been one that will last a lifetime. Louise has been more than a coach but has helped me become a true transformation agent.
She has known exactly how and when to apply coaching and mentoring. So that I could change to become a leader I can be proud of. I would hire Louise again and again as I truly believe in her ability to inspire new possibilities and bring lasting transformation.’
Robert Paquin, Head of NCE College, Nestle