Autumn Reflections

rituals Oct 14, 2019

Welcome to Autumn ...

In the last couple of weeks we have crossed the threshold. Can you feel the shift in energy? The nights are growing longer... the days shorter... There is a tug to turn inwards, to draw closer to ourselves, to listen in...

After the expansiveness of summer and its harvest, it is time to celebrate and complete the cycle that has just been. And it is time to plant the seeds for the new cycle that is emerging.

What is calling you next?

Whether we like it or not, are aware of it or not, we are still earth beings. And as such are impacted by the earth’s rhythms. I have found that the more I align to the natural rhythms of the earth, the easier it is to manifest my true life and work.

Because I am going with the natural rhythms of things - where the flow is. I am true to my own nature rather than fighting it to get things done.

So this is a time for completion and deepening into what wants to be born next... Can you feel the call for the quiet?

That is your soul drawing you deeper... to uncover the yearnings of your next level of expression.

Who have you become and what is true for you now?

What wants to emerge next?

It is also a time of letting go of what no longer serves or reflects who you are. A good time to declutter physically, but also emotionally. What habits don’t serve you going forward? What relationships have you outgrown?

It is time for that pen and journal and that cup of tea. Here are some questions to help you reflect:

  • Harvest: What are you celebrating that has emerged since October last year?
  • Seed: What seeds are you planting for the next cycle? What are you yearning for and what is calling you?
  • Make Space: What do you need to let go of that is not in line with who you are now or are becoming?

Let yourself catch up with yourself and daydream what truly wants to be next.  So that you can create consciously something that feels aligned in your next cycle. And can bloom in the Spring.

Enjoy and until next time,


Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

More about Louise Le Gat...

I help leaders who are successful, but feel that something is missing align to their real purpose and step into their true leadership. 

I am an experienced facilitator, transformation coach, and creator of the ‘Positive Energy Leaders’ Transformation Journey to Remember Who You Really Are, Do What You Are Truly Here To Do And Evolve The World By Being Uniquely You. 

To work with me...

My flagship programme is The Positive Energy Academy: A School For Visionaries, Disruptors and Innovators To Create Inspiring Meaningful Work That Has A Positive Impact and To Become The Transformation Agents They Can Be.

I also lead Personal Retreats for leaders who feel that they have got out of synch with themselves and want to reconnect to their mission and next level of flow, meaning and impact.

To find out more contact me at [email protected]  



We truly believe that we can do this.  That, if enough of us commit to being purpose-led changemakers and to evolving the world by being uniquely ourselves, we can create a new world - where we all flourish together deeply valuing prosperity, people and planet.  

What it takes is for us to remember who we are really here to be, do what we are here to do and make that difference only we can make. By igniting our potential, actualising our purpose and up-levelling our impact through our lives, work and leadership.

So join us by signing up below to Our Broadcasts From The New to receive weekly inspiration through our shorts, letters, messages and information about our programmes and whatever else we feel called to create to support you.  Look forward to being on this adventure together!

Louise Le Gat, Founder Of The Purpose-Led Company