Scaling For Good

Oct 22, 2019

October is a big month for me. It is the period of Accelerate 2030... a sustainable scaling programme focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

I don’t talk very much about some of the 'for impact' programmes I support.

The thing is that there are people up to amazing things. And sometimes we need to know that they exist... that someone is doing something somewhere... to feel that inspiration and that hope...

It may even give us the courage to join them...or to support them where we can...

Scaling for the SDGs

So coming back to Accelerate 2030... Its mission is to scale internationally the impact of entrepreneurs working towards achieving positive social and environmental change.

It is run in partnership with The Impact Hub in Geneva and the UN Development Programme (UNDP). This year it has been implemented across 16 countries: Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, South Africa, Serbia, Turkey, Armenia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Philippines and Indonesia. Over the three last three years, we have reached 1.5million people in 24 countries.

How Do You Scale Sustainably?

The programme is not just about scaling, but sustainable scaling. The essence of it is to have the entrepreneurs really reflect on what is the right scaling for them. Moving away from just 'bigger is better', we look at 3 areas:

1. Sustainable You: How do you build something that is sustainable for the people in the business?
2. Sustainable Business: How do you build a solid strategy and business model at the next level?
3. Sustainable Impact: How do you make a real long lasting difference?

I was the first coach on the programme and still hold the ‘Sustainable You’ piece - providing online training and leading a Retreat for the 10 International Finalists in Chamonix. There are now about 15 other coaches involved and partners from different walks of life acting as experts. They support the finalists for a whole year to scale.

Sustainable You

The idea of the ‘Sustainable You’ pillar is to have the entrepreneurs reflect on what they want to create for themselves at the next level.  Because sometimes we can lose ourselves in the race for growth.  

So we explore...

  • How do they really want to work?
  • What does it mean to be truly aligned to their real potential?
  • What experience of work do they want to create for their people?
  • What is success really about for them?

So that they can create something that is really aligned at the next level.

Let me tell you about these amazing is what they are up to...

Inspiring Work

  • Farming: Some are eliminating completely the use of chemicals in agriculture. Others are introducing innovative waste processing solutions to turn waste into carbon for organic agriculture. And some again are empowering farmers with precision farming tools.
  • Food and Water: Whilst others are introducing circular economy models producing organic mushrooms.  And empowering communities to grow their own food and create a new source of income.  Or they are delivering safe water to schools in developing countries.
  • Packaging: Then there are those who are producing natural bioplastic granules made from olive seeds that is biodegradable. Or others again are developing insect based solutions to malnutrition and packaging.
  • Health: Finally those that are delivering rapid and inexpensive diagnostic online systems in resource-poor countries. Or those that are enabling universal access to quality healthcare by allowing doctors to diagnose online.

So just so that you know someone somewhere is doing something... these are the new leaders... creating a new way of doing things in our world...

I hope that inspires you to maybe aspire to your own project or to keep going with an existing one.  And if you know someone who can help them in any way...including you...let me know...

To find out more about the Accelerate finalists click here... 

Until Next Time,


More about Louise Le Gat...

I help leaders who are successful, but feel that something is missing align to their real purpose and step into their true leadership. 

I am an experienced facilitator, transformation coach, and creator of the ‘Positive Energy Leaders’ Transformation Journey to Remember Who You Really Are, Do What You Are Truly Here To Do And Evolve The World By Being Uniquely You. 

To work with me...

My flagship programme is The Positive Energy Academy: A School For Visionaries, Disruptors and Innovators To Create Inspiring Meaningful Work That Has A Positive Impact and To Become The Transformation Agents They Can Be.

I also lead Personal Retreats for leaders who feel that they have got out of alignment with themselves and want to reconnect to their mission and next level of flow, meaning and impact.

To find out more contact me at [email protected]  



We truly believe that we can do this.  That, if enough of us commit to being purpose-led changemakers and to evolving the world by being uniquely ourselves, we can create a new world - where we all flourish together deeply valuing prosperity, people and planet.  

What it takes is for us to remember who we are really here to be, do what we are here to do and make that difference only we can make. By igniting our potential, actualising our purpose and up-levelling our impact through our lives, work and leadership.

So join us by signing up below to Our Broadcasts From The New to receive weekly inspiration through our shorts, letters, messages and information about our programmes and whatever else we feel called to create to support you.  Look forward to being on this adventure together!

Louise Le Gat, Founder Of The Purpose-Led Company