Take Your Place In The New
May 17, 2021We are at a pivotal moment in terms of human history, where we are being called to evolve the operating system on the planet. This for many is triggering a career pivotal moment of their own. When you are asking deeper questions about your life, your work and what you want to do with it all.
If that resonates... know that it is ultimately a call for you to take your place in this new world that is emerging. To be part of this massive transition we are going through. That it asks you to get clear on how you will contribute. Rather than being a well meaning by-stander.
Business as usual is dying. There is no point hanging on to a sinking raft. It is time to change ship. To create businesses that work for people and planet - and catalyse a new level of prosperity for all.
That will take each of us evolving the way we work. Stepping into self leadership and taking the initiative. The shift needs not just the few, but the many. We are all a piece of this particular jigsaw.
Up until now there has been this gap between our experience of everyday work and doing good out in the world. We are at a time when companies are waking up to the fact that that gap needs to be bridged.
Cue the emergence of a new kind of business that truly enhances life on this planet as a whole.
Why I see this as such an extraordinary time is that we are focusing for the first time en masse on integrating business, personal fulfilment and doing good. And that means an incredible amount of change, possibility and leaps in consciousness. On a scale we have not seen often.
The opportunity is for people to have work that feels fulfilling and that matters on a large scale. That life can have real meaning. That we can experience advancing humanity in our day to day, living in a way that suits us and paying the bills.
That is the new wave that is building up.
The opportunity is here... in all my years of working in this field I have never seen so many new roles and companies engaging in new ways. But creating work that is aligned to your purpose, enables personal flourishing and makes things better is still an art. You have to craft it consciously. And keep evolving it over time.
That is what The Positive Energy Leaders’ Academy was designed for. If you know this is your time to step into a more meaningful impact, then check it out here and get in touch.
Until Next Time,
Louise is a Next Generation Career And Leadership Catalyst who supports leaders to step into their unique purpose, blueprint and impact. She is the Creator of The Positive Energy Leaders' Academy - A Next Generation Leadership School To Create Fulfilling, Meaningful Work And Become The Inspiring Leaders Of Positive Transformation You Are Meant To Be. She can be reached at [email protected].
We truly believe that we can do this. That, if enough of us commit to being purpose-led changemakers and to evolving the world by being uniquely ourselves, we can create a new world - where we all flourish together deeply valuing prosperity, people and planet.
What it takes is for us to remember who we are really here to be, do what we are here to do and make that difference only we can make. By igniting our potential, actualising our purpose and up-levelling our impact through our lives, work and leadership.
So join us by signing up below to Our Broadcasts From The New to receive weekly inspiration through our shorts, letters, messages and information about our programmes and whatever else we feel called to create to support you. Look forward to being on this adventure together!
Louise Le Gat, Founder Of The Purpose-Led Company