What If This Is The Reset Point?

Jun 08, 2020

We have known for a while that our operating model on the planet is not fit for purpose. Deep down we knew that a system upgrade would come. What if this is the reset point we have been waiting for?

The work that I do centers around pivotal moments. Those times when you question your life and how you have been living it. When you feel called to review the blueprint of what you have created. When you yearn for a profound shift to something more fulfilling, meaningful and impactful.

At a pivotal moment you realise that you have got off track. That you have lost yourself in the chase for external success. It is a bit like a faulty software gone mad. You think it is serving you, and then you suddenly realise it isn’t getting you what you need at all.

The antidote is realigning to your potential, purpose and leadership. To your original operating blueprint. A bit like pressing reset on your computer.

I have been wondering recently ... What if this is a pivotal moment for humanity?

I always had a sense that there would be a time when things would drastically change. A time when the old would fall and the new would emerge. That we wouldn’t get a choice - that it would be thrust upon us.

I thought that maybe I was wrong... And then 2020 arrived...

Seeing the relentless waves hit since the beginning of the year – the fires in Australia, the near miss war with Iran, Covid-19 and now the death of George Floyd and the repressed pain erupting through the protests in America… it seems that the shift is upon us.

It is like wave after wave of an earthquake shaking us up, saying: ‘This is your wake up call. Do the work’. Forget a few tweaks here and there. It feels like we are being thrust into the middle of the ocean in a storm. Barely having time to come up for breath before the next wave hits.

The status quo we were grasping onto as a comfort blanket is being ripped out of our hands. And we are being asked to face deeper questions about our life on this planet and how we are living it. 

We try and hold on to the hope of just being able to return to 'normal'.  But the reality is that through the lockdown experience what we hold most dear has come into sharp focus. At the same time, our economic foundations are being challenged to their core... Our social structures are being fundamentally questioned....  And despite the respite of the last few months, we are still well on our way to a complete environmental breakdown.  

We are called to review the blueprint of what we have created. To confront where we have got off track and whether this is still what we want. To ask ourselves 'What is the original blueprint for life on this planet and what is our place in it?' 

We lost the soul of humanity in our race to the top. And probably our own soul. Our current software is producing planetary and human burn out. Deep divides and inequalities. And underneath all of it is a massive heartbreak that comes from forgetting what really matters. KPIs, quaterly results and growth at all costs are attractive shiny objects, but they are not getting us what we need.

What if the cycle of deep transition has begun? What if this is the call for the complete upgrade we all knew would come?

Are you ready?

If these times are calling you to get clearer on your purpose and realign your leadership, get in touch.

Until Next Time,



Meet Louise...

Louise Le Gat is a Next Generation Leadership Catalyst and Advocate. She supports Leaders to become the Visionaries, Disruptors and Change Makers who are building the caring sustainable world of tomorrow where we all flourish.  

She is the Founder and CEO of Positive Energy Leaders and the Creator of The Positive Energy Academy - An online transformational community for leaders to create, sustain and amplify their fulfilling, meaningful work that has a positive impact.

Photo by Jose Antonio Gallego Vázquez on Unsplash


We truly believe that we can do this.  That, if enough of us commit to being purpose-led changemakers and to evolving the world by being uniquely ourselves, we can create a new world - where we all flourish together deeply valuing prosperity, people and planet.  

What it takes is for us to remember who we are really here to be, do what we are here to do and make that difference only we can make. By igniting our potential, actualising our purpose and up-levelling our impact through our lives, work and leadership.

So join us by signing up below to Our Broadcasts From The New to receive weekly inspiration through our shorts, letters, messages and information about our programmes and whatever else we feel called to create to support you.  Look forward to being on this adventure together!

Louise Le Gat, Founder Of The Purpose-Led Company