Create Your Own Retreat Time

positive habits questions reconnect to yourself retreat Jun 11, 2019
I have talked in previous posts about how we get disconnected from ourselves in the chase for success.  And that as a result we end up feeling exhausted, empty and lost.  So what do you do when you know you are off track?
The answer is …create your own retreat time…
So what happens then...   
We all know we need to take time out.  But we don’t always know what to do with it.  So beyond yoga and green juices, here are 4 things to focus on - the 4RS of Retreat.  
  1. Renew
Take time to recover and recuperate.  This most of us know we should do… but we don’t do enough of.
Get out of the stress spiral - go for a walk or a run, get a massage, do a relaxation or meditate, go to that yoga class, listen to beautiful music, stare at a gorgeous view,  or simply play with your children.  
Take the time to just be, connect deeply with the people around you and have fun.
  1. Reconnect
Turn inwards and listen to yourself.  
Your emotions are signposts back to  yourself and to what you need to flourish.  But in the everyday we often override how we really feel.  So that we can ‘get on with things’.
Instead start noticing how you feel.  Be compassionate and caring with yourself - like you would be with a good friend.  And ask yourself:
  • "What do I really yearn for at this time?’,
  • ‘What do I really need?’,
  • ‘What do I truly desire?’
Don’t worry about whether it is possible or not.  Just take the time to listen and really hear yourself.
  1. Reflect
Take stock and wonder:
  • Where am I at?,
  • What do I feel called to?
  • What wants to emerge in my life and work? and...
  • What do I want to create?
A great tool for this is journalling.  
You can use questions to help you dig deeper and then write down the answers.  Don’t analyse - just write down whatever comes.
  1. Realign
Ultimately this is about honouring what is really going on inside of you.  
It means reactivating your inner compass - stopping the train that is speeding down the track.  And making sure it is going in the right direction.  
Ask yourself:
  • What do I need to let go of?
  • What part of me would I like to express more?
  • How can I be more true to what is really important to me?
And for that…
  • What do I need to stop doing? 
  • What do I need to start doing?  
  • How can I start investing in that in 15mins a day?
Until next time,

Who is Louise Le Gat...

I am an experienced facilitator, transformation coach, and creator of the ‘Positive Energy Leaders’ Transformation Journey. I help leaders connect to their mission, build meaningful careers and create their own legacy.  So that they can become the inspiring transformation agents they are meant to be.

To work with me...

My flagship programme is Positive Energy Leaders:  Remember Who You Really Are, Do What You Are Truly Here To Do, Evolve The World By Being You.  You can do this in different ways either by coming on Retreat with me or Coaching Online over a longer period of time. To find out more contact me at [email protected]  

Photo: From Annie Spratt - courtesy of Unsplah



We truly believe that we can do this.  That, if enough of us commit to being purpose-led leaders and take care of our own garden patch, we can build a new world where we can all flourish together - where we deeply value people, planet and prosperity.

All it takes is for us to  remember who we are, do what we are here to do and make that difference only we can make. 

So join us by signing up below to The Time Of Lighthouses: Broadcasts From The New to receive inspiration through our shorts, whispers, letters, programmes and whatever else we feel called to create to support you.  Look forward to walking with you on this journey!

Louise Le Gat, Founder Of The Purpose-Led School