Three Purpose Crossroads
Dec 19, 2024
When you hit a crossroads around your purpose, there are three questions you tend to ask yourself:
- What is it I really want now?
- What is my right path at this time?
- What am I meant to be doing next?
How you answer these questions depends on where you are in terms of your purpose journey:
1. Getting Started: If you are beginning your journey, then this is about reconnecting to who you are really.
You will tend to be successful on the outside, but feel that something is missing on the inside. What is missing in action is you - the real you. You have usually been focused on ticking the traditional boxes of success. You thought that would make you happy. But what has happened instead is that you have lost yourself in that external chase.
The antidote is to find your way back to what makes you uniquely you - to who you were always meant to be before the world told you who you 'should be'. The key here is to integrate daily practices to bring you back to yourself and to tune into the part of you that knows the way. So that you can answer your real call to adventure.
2. In The Trenches: If you are already on your purpose journey, but you are struggling to make it concrete, tangible and real.
The real issue is that most of us were trained as good soldiers of the existing status quo. Not to fundamentally evolve it by being our unique self.
So here you tend to be missing at least one of what I call the 3Cs. The first is the clarity of knowing what your true potential is - and how to realise it in a way that gives you inner fulfilment. The second is the confidence of how to actualise your purpose in real life - and specifically how to make money from your true gifts through meaningful work. The third is the communication capacity to bring about real transformation - and to effect on the ground the worthwhile change you want to see.
The antidote here is to activate your foundations as the leader of transition to the new world you are here to be. You do that by giving yourself a software upgrade - based on learning to anchor solidly in yourself, to shine brightly in your difference and to light the way to new horizons.
So that you can chart your unique course on the road you are here to travel.
3. Weathered Warriors: If you have been at this for a while and you are asking those questions, it is because you have hit a plateau and it is time to create your next purpose chapter.
The key here is to see your purpose-driven mission as a creative act that gets crafted over time and in stages.
The way through is to step into the next level of potential, purpose and impact. And to master the process of birthing the next iteration of your new level of unique self-expression.
So that the next piece of your legacy can emerge - reflected in a new positioning, new value proposition and new thought leadership.
Which one resonates the most? And if you need help with it, get in touch.
Until Next Time,
We truly believe that we can do this. That, if enough of us commit to being purpose-led changemakers and to evolving the world by being uniquely ourselves, we can create a new world - where we all flourish together deeply valuing prosperity, people and planet.
What it takes is for us to remember who we are really here to be, do what we are here to do and make that difference only we can make. By igniting our potential, actualising our purpose and up-levelling our impact through our lives, work and leadership.
So join us by signing up below to Our Broadcasts From The New to receive weekly inspiration through our shorts, letters, messages and information about our programmes and whatever else we feel called to create to support you. Look forward to being on this adventure together!
Louise Le Gat, Founder Of The Purpose-Led Company