Is It Time For A New Chapter?

Apr 28, 2022
How do you know if it is simply time for a bit of change or whether it is calling you to something deeper?
The key is understanding if it is a career pivotal moment.
Pivotal Moments are when we are successful on the outside. But that we are missing inspiration, meaning and fulfilment.
Deep down is the yearning not just for something new, but to align your life, work and leadership with your deeper purpose. To make an impact you believe in, advancing the things you most deeply care about - whilst working in a way that you love contributing your greatest strengths.
Ultimately it is calling you to fulfil your true potential and to make your mark - in your own unique way - at this pivotal time on the planet.
Think you might be at a career pivotal moment, then let's have an introductory chat.  Send me a DM or email me at [email protected] and we'll get you booked in.



We truly believe that we can do this.  That, if enough of us commit to being purpose-led leaders and take care of our own garden patch, we can build a new world where we can all flourish together - where we deeply value people, planet and prosperity.

All it takes is for us to  remember who we are, do what we are here to do and make that difference only we can make. 

So join us by signing up below to The Time Of Lighthouses: Broadcasts From The New to receive inspiration through our shorts, whispers, letters, programmes and whatever else we feel called to create to support you.  Look forward to walking with you on this journey!

Louise Le Gat, Founder Of The Purpose-Led School